School of The Rock


Galatians 4:1-18 - The Apostle’s Personal Appeal

Written by Paul D. Race for


  • False teachers have entered the Galatian churches, insisting that the Gentiles need to keep the Mosaic Law to be saved. Paul has argued that the Law does not invalidate God’s promise to Abraham or salvation by faith. 

The Law as a Guardian

  • A child under guardianship has not really received his ___________, because he is subject to his guardians. (4:1-2)
  • So we were under the guardianship of the ______, while we were subject to the flesh. (4:3)
  • _________ came to redeem those who were under the Law’s guardianship. (4:4-5a)
  • But now we have been adopted and have become heirs and children of ________.  (4:5b-7)

Why Turn Back Now?

  • When you were subject to the _______, you did not know God. (4:8)
  • But now that you have a relationship with God, you are still depending on the works of the _________, such as ceremonial feasts. (4:9-10)

Paul Fears for His Disciples

  • _____ is afraid that his work among the Galatians will be for nought. (4:11)
  • Paul reminds them that when he first ministered among them, they received him and his teaching in spite of his _____________.  (4:12-14)
  • But now that _______ is away from them, they have lost the sense of commitment to him that they once had. (4:15)
  • Has Paul put them off by telling the ______ instead of attractive lies? (4:16)

Paul Warns that the False Teachers Have a Different Agenda

  • Paul sought to build a relationship with the Galatians so that he could lead them to ______. But the false _______ seek to build a relationship with the Galatians to make the Galatians dependent on them. (4:17)

Group Discussion:

  • Why would a false teacher want to make disciples feel like they control access to the truth? (see Matthew 23:13)

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