School of The Rock


Discussion Forums

We started the discussion forum pages largely to post reader questions - and answers - that we figured would be of interest to many readers, not just the person who contacted us. 

We are glad to allow you to sign up and post your own questions and comments (as long as you promise to be courteous and respect the family-friendly nature of our pages).  You are also welcome just to peruse the questions other folks have asked, and our answers and updates. 

To read the discussion forums without signing in, click here.

To sign up and contribute to the discussion, click here.

We welcome your participation.  But even if you don’t participate often, one advantage of signing up is that it’s easy to tell where questions or comments have been added since the last time you signed in (the icons change color).

Update for 2016:  Because our Independent Christian Musician pages became popular almost as soon as we started them, we realize that there is room, not only for the discussion groups on the related topics, but also for a secret Facebook page, called Independent Christian Musicians.  You can’t see it until you join, unfortunately, but it is intended to be a place for ongoing communication about issues that face musicians trying to balance faith, family, church and job demands. 

If you want to join the Facebook group, use the same form you would use for signing up to the discussion forums, and be sure to click the Yes box and provide your FB and web site information under the sentence “Would you like to become a member of the Independent Christian Musician group on Facebook?”

Paul Race playing a banjo. Click to go to Paul's music home page.A Note from Paul: Whatever else you get out of our pages, I hope you enjoy your music and figure out how to make enjoyable music for those around you as well.

And please stay in touch!

    - Paul Race Click to see Paul's music page on Facebook Click to see Paul's music blog page Click to see Paul's music home page Click to see Paul's YouTube Channel. Click to contact Paul through this page. Click to learn about our Momma Don't Low Newsletter.

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Visit musings about music on our sister site, School of the Rock With a few tools and an hour or two of work, you can make your guitar, banjo, or mandolin much more responsive.  Instruments with movable bridges can have better-than-new intonation as well. Acoustic-based, traditional, singer-songwriter, and folk music with a Western focus. Check out our article on finding good used guitars.
Carols of many countries, including music, lyrics, and the story behind the songs. X and Y-generation Christians take Contemporary Christian music, including worship, for granted, but the first generation of Contemporary Christian musicians faced strong, and often bitter resistance. Different kinds of music call for different kinds of banjos.  Just trying to steer you in the right direction. New, used, or vintage - tips for whatever your needs and preferences. Wax recordings from the early 1900s, mostly collected by George Nelson.  Download them all for a 'period' album. Explains the various kinds of acoustic guitar and what to look for in each.
Look to Riverboat Music buyers' guide for descriptions of musical instruments by people who play musical instruments. Learn 5-string banjo at your own speed, with many examples and user-friendly explanations. Explains the various kinds of banjos and what each is good for. Learn more about our newsletter for roots-based and acoustic music. Folks with Bb or Eb instruments can contribute to worship services, but the WAY they do depends on the way the worship leader approaches the music. A page devoted to some of Paul's own music endeavors.