Galatians 1:1-12, 3:1-3 - How Soon You Have Fallen!
Written by Paul D. Race for
- This is written after Paul’s second trip through Galatia. He may be in Corinth. He has heard that false teachers have entered the church, claiming to be better than Paul and insisting that the Gentiles need to keep the Mosaic Law to be saved.
- Paul protests that their salvation has begun in faith, how could it be improved by following the Law, which doesn’t save anybody?
Who is Writing?
- Paul, an __________, not by man but by _____ and God the Father (1:1)
- And all the ___________ who are with him (1:2a)
Who is He Writing to?
- To the churches in _______ (the ones he and _______ founded) (1:2b)
Why is He Writing?
- To the remind them how they were _________ from the present evil age (1:4-5)
- To warn them that they are being tricked into following a false _____ (1:6)
What Does He Want To Assert?
- That there is only one true __________ of Christ (1:7)
- That anyone preaching otherwise is _________ (1:8-9)
- That the gospel of Christ doesn’t come from __________ (1:11)
- That Paul didn’t receive the gospel through ________ but directly from __________ (1:12)
What Does He Remind them About?
- They received the Spirit by ________ with ________, not by works of the ___________. (3:2)
- It is foolishness to think you can improve on Spiritual rebirth by the works of the ________. (3:3)
Remember, the Gentiles have already been asked to show compassion (Gal. 2:10) and to avoid immorality and idolatry (Acts 15:29)
Group Discussion:
What’s Wrong With Adding a List of Other Do’s and Don’ts to the Gospel?
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