School of The Rock


Keeping Your Balance

Written by Paul D. Race for™


One of the hardest parts about being a touring Christian musician (whatever your musical, ministry, or entertainment focus) is maintaining a meaningful spiritual walk.

We hope to provide some tips to help you with this as time permits, but constant spiritual fellowship, Bible study, and mutual accountability to other members of your team are a big part. 

Resources So Far

Our first resource under this header is a page about why we won’t answer the question that most people ask us - whether or not God has “called you” to a full-time “music ministry” or some such:  What I Won’t Tell You.

We’ve also added an article about a question that plagues many Christians who are musicians: Can Christians Sing Secular Music?  We don’t really give an answer so much as talk about why people might be predispositioned to answer either way, as well as why that answer might change over time.

More are on the way.

As always, please contact me with corrections, complaints, clarifications, etc.  If your response is responsible, I'll try to include it in the "reader response" section below.

God bless,



Paul Race playing a banjo. Click to go to Paul's music home page.A Note from Paul: Whatever else you get out of our pages, I hope you enjoy your music and figure out how to make enjoyable music for those around you as well.

And please stay in touch!

    - Paul Race Click to see Paul's music home page Click to contact Paul through this page. Click to see Paul's music page on Facebook Click to visit our discussion forum. Click to hear Paul's music on SoundCloud. Click to see Paul's music blog page Click to learn about our Momma Don't Low Newsletter. Click to see Paul's YouTube Channel. Click to see Paul's Twitter Page

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