Gig Salad or Sonic Bids?
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Author:  paulrace [ Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Gig Salad or Sonic Bids?

I've signed up for Sonic Bids, but not gotten any gigs through them yet. In part, it's because of the kind of music I play, and in part it's because I don't have all my own promo ducks in a row yet.

Came across this link for Gig Salad. Wonder how they are to work with. They promise similar things but seem to cast a wider net regarding types of gigs.

Author:  paulrace [ Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gig Salad or Sonic Bids?

By the way, I signed up for SonicBids mostly because I wanted to see what they actually do for you, which is basically to provide email lists of gigs they know about, which includes mostly shows I have no business applying for (hip-hop, heavy metal. . .) and provide a searchable list of gigs that filters out musical styles that aren't on your list, including gigs you could probably do reasonably well.

They also publish articles by music writers trying to make a name for themselves, so those are often uneven in quality. But this one is very useful to anyone performing, especially if you're outside of your familiar haunts. ... every-time

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