Welcome to the School Of The Rock discussion forums!
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Author:  paulrace [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Welcome to the School Of The Rock discussion forums!

The School Of The Rock(tm) site started out as a resource for praise bands and CCM musicians, but it's "focus" has continually widened. Someone asks a question, and my answer gives me an idea for a new article, and so on. So consequently, we have lots of topics, from theology, to popular culture, to performing and career tips, to musical instrument care.

As new questions come in, we'll put them here (without identifying information) so other folks can see the questions and responses. And if you join, you can add your own response.

One caveat - and it's a big one - we have a manual signup, because we need to know exactly who is signing up. That way we can protect existing members from spammers and haters. This process means it may take a few days to get signed up. Also, people who try to sign up with partial or fake information won't even get a notice saying their application was rejected - we get hundreds of fake signup requests on our other forums and we stopped following up on them so we could pay attention to real people.

Finally, if you don't understand the rules of common courtesy, or if you're offended by the notion that we insist everything on this site remain "family-friendly," please don't bother to join.

If you have a positive attitude and you'd still like to join the conversations, please use the following online form:

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