Don't wallow in ignorance and self-pity - it's not cute.
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Author:  paulrace [ Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Don't wallow in ignorance and self-pity - it's not cute.

FB popped up one of those 5-years-ago-today posts about an American Idol singer who totally blew a song thinking that she had to put her "signature" on it, but doing it in a way that exposed that she knew nothing about the song's context or meaning at all. (She sang "Benny and the Jets" wearing a sequined dress sitting on the piano and crooning it like a third-rate nightclub singer.)

That in turn reminded me that I had already written an article about wannabes who never bother to learn their craft, their art, or the history of their own genre. ... annabe.htm

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