More Controversy, did the Jesus Musicians Sell Out?
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Author:  paulrace [ Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  More Controversy, did the Jesus Musicians Sell Out?

In a word, no.

But that question was raised recently when I got a harassing telephone call by some self-important blogger (at 12:30 Sunday afternoon) demanding that I block out the next forty-five minutes or so to answer some very pointed and uninformed questions about the Jesus movement. Since he had blocked his phone number I shouldn't even have taken his call, but I'm a nice guy. Now I'm REALLY sorry I didn't ask him to call back with an unblocked number at least.

At several points, he said I needed to answer his questions right then and there because he was important and his questions were very urgent. (I'm not sure how questions about things that happened 40-50 years ago suddenly became so urgent that I needed to give up my Sunday mealtime to address them.)

During the increasingly surrealistic conversation, in between explanations of how important he was, he inserted one supposition that told me that he had an agenda that wasn't entirely favorable to Christian music in general. Which made me even more hesitant to answer pointed yes-or-no questions without SOME context of why were were having this conversation.

I asked him to e-mail me and set up a time when we could have a conversation at BOTH our convenience, but he never did.

At any rate, if you find a blog by someone who doesn't like Contemporary Christian Music or Jesus Music claiming that he confronted me with "hard questions" and I refused to cooperate, please let me know who it was, so at least I know who ambushed me. And MY blog that was inspired by this experience is here: ... l-my-home/

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