What about Degarmo & Key? Sweet Comfort?
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Author:  paulrace [ Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  What about Degarmo & Key? Sweet Comfort?

A reader writes:

Great article, remember most of it including Love Song and Jesus Jubilee. however I think you are missing a large part of the Christian Rock history by not including Degarmo and Key. This Time Through was the first with true studio production value I heard and was not embarrassed to have playing in my truck when in high school. They were also the first to get on MTV then have the video pulled for violence (666). You should also include foot notes on Sweet Comfort Band as well as expand on the ground breaking sound of Resurrection Band. I was not in the industry, however a impressionable pre teen and teen in the 70's and collected over 200 albums.

------Our response----

I'll keep these bands in mind when I next revisit the article - Paul

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